Monthly Archives: September 2014

Difference between USCIS Certified and Court-Certified Translation

What is the difference between a certified translation for USCIS and certified translations for courts?

Many individuals want to know how a certified translation for immigration differs from one prepared for courts. Companies that offer a full range of professional translation services are aware of the distinctions between the two types of translations. Certified translations for USCIS are executed by professionals who have experience translating documents from foreign languages into English. A translation that has been completed by an experienced translator will be certified by the translation company. The translator or a representative from the firm can sign the certification, which states that the translated document is true and correct. The original document is also stamped, sealed, and attached to the translated documents.

In contrast, court-certified translations are done by translators who have passed an exam and meet the other requirements of courts. They are either registered or certified and are well-qualified to translate documents from foreign languages into English. They translate the document and attach their declaration. This is similar to the certification that translators prepare for USCIS with a few modifications. Firms that are knowledgeable about the requirements of courts have a standard certification that they send to their clients who are seeking a court-certified translation.

Individuals who are filling out an application for a visa and are not sure what to do with the foreign-language documents they need to submit can contact us regarding our certified document translation services. Our translators are ready to translate your documents so that you can include the translations with your application. We are dedicated to translating your documents perfectly. Our translators who are proficient in English and the foreign language they work with.

CACFTI specializes in document translation services. We understand the importance of delivering the right type of translation for your purposes. We know the difference between a translation that is acceptable in courts and translations that are used for immigration applications. Hence, when you contact us we try to gather as much information as we can about the party that will be receiving the translations. Please be ready to provide information about the recipient. If you are taking the translation to court we will provide a court-certified translation. If you are looking for a translation that you can use for an immigration matter, we will provide certified translations for USCIS. Please contact us for more information about how you can get a document translated from a foreign language into English.

Translation of Academic Documents in Los Angeles, CA

Since there are only a few law schools in Canada, a high percentage of applicants are rejected every year. What do such applicants do when they receive a rejection letter but are still interested in pursuing a career in law? Academic document translation services and companies in Los Angeles that offer certified translations help individuals from the French-speaking parts of Canada who have been turned down by law schools back home and want to explore their options abroad. Students who are ready to apply to law schools in the United States can start by reviewing the requirements of admissions to law programs. For instance, some law schools might only take applications for individuals who have earned their degrees from an American university. Nevertheless, many law schools throughout the United States including those in California take applications from foreigners.

While in a country like Canada applicants have a few choices, the United States offers numerous options for Americans and foreigners. Some law schools are more competitive than others. Stanford Law School, for instance, is highly competitive and has a lower acceptance rate. However, many other schools across the country compete for students because they do not get enough applications to fill available spaces. Those law schools are especially interested in hearing from international students because they pay higher tuition and fees. Language barriers do not create complications for applicants who have studied in non-English speaking countries because academic translators can translate transcripts and diplomas into English. Companies that provide document translation service can translate and certify academic documents. Therefore, admissions officers can evaluate international applicants’ academic performance in order to make a decision.

CACFTI offers solutions to international students’ problem of submitting their foreign-language documents to American schools for consideration. Students from Quebec, for example, who cannot attend law school in Canada can take advantage of our French to English translation services to apply to American schools. We can translate academic documents from any of the major world languages into English. If you have completed a degree in Quebec or any other French-speaking territory and are ready to send your application to U.S. schools, we encourage you to contact us regarding our certified translation services. Chances are you will be asked to provide the certified English translations of your academic documents. We are a leading company in LA that offers academic document translation services. Please let us know if we can help you with a part of your application to law schools.

Foreign Researchers at Los Angeles Universities

Researchers outside of the United States who move to Los Angeles with the intention of working temporarily at a university are often introduced to a new way of conducting research. Many of them find the experience invaluable and enriching. Those who have published their work in their home country might be asked to provide a copy of their papers in English. Researchers who are serious about seeking employment opportunities in LA contact a local translation company and find out how they can get those documents translated. They will ask the prospective employers about the documents they are required to submit so that they do not experience delays in the employment process. They will scan and email their research papers along with the supplementary documents to a representative at the translation. They also try to find out how long it takes for the translators to prepare the certified translations.

Researchers who have the certified translation of their publications work diligently on the other parts of their application. When they are ready to submit their employment application they include the certified translations. While getting top-quality translations for the required documents does not guarantee researchers a position at a university, it often does impact the hiring managers’ decision. For example, a researcher from France who has made breakthrough discovery in the field of medicine might increase their chances of acceptance if the school in Los Angeles sees that the paper was published in a high-profile journal in France. While the publication is in the French language the researcher can have a professional translator who specializes in medicine to translate the paper to English. The translators at CACFTI are willing to translate the publications researchers need in order to be considered for employment opportunities in Los Angeles universities. Researchers who are applying to a private university such as Pepperdine or public schools such as CSU Los Angeles are welcome to contact us about our certified document translation services.

We can translate papers that researchers have written in their native language and published in their home country. We have a large database of well-qualified translators and will select a professional whose background best matches the content of your research papers. As a translation company based in Los Angeles we can translate all the documents that you need to send to a local university. We can mail the hard copies to multiple schools so please let us know if you are applying to multiple institutions.

What Does Court-Certified Translation Mean?

Lawyers in the United States who have never represented a client from a non-English speaking country might have a simple question in mind: what does court-certified translation mean? The question comes usually when they learn that they have to present a foreign-language document to a U.S. court. They wonder how they can get certified English translations for courts so that they can use the documents they need in court. A court-certified translation is one that has been completed by a translator who has been approved by the legal system of the state. Court-certified or registered translators have met certain requirements and are allowed to translate documents that go to courts.

Such individuals are fluent in the language pair they work in and can translate both ways. They often have experience translating legal documents such as birth certificates, patents, business contracts, etc. When they complete the English translation of the documents they attach their certification to their work. The certification states that the person who performed the translation is a professional translator approved by courts and that the translation is true to the best of his/her knowledge. Translation companies will also stamp and seal the translator’s certification along with all the pages of the original documents as well as their translations. Law firms that would like to have many pages translated should try to contact a translation company as soon as possible to avoid paying rush fees. Attorneys who are handling a case that involves submitting a foreign-language document to a court in the United States should contact a translation company that offers court-certified translation services.

A court-certified translation has been prepared to satisfy the requirements of courts for non-English documents. CACFTI focuses on providing high-quality translations that lawyers need in order to present their best case in a court. We are very concerned about the accuracy of our work and proofread all documents before we submit them to our clients. We encourage lawyers, paralegals, and legal assistants to contact us regarding our professional translation services. A friendly representative can speak with you about the translation of your documents for courts. Please email us a copy of the documents you would like to have translated and we will get back to you with a quote. We will need to know that you are seeking certified translations for courts in order to provide the proper certification. Therefore, please kindly mention the purpose of the translation. If you have questions about what court-certified translations mean, you can contact us.

Can I Translate My Birth Certificate for USCIS?

For immigration purposes foreigners are expected to get their personal documents translated into English. Many individuals who were born in a non-English speaking have a birth certificate that was issued in a foreign language. They wonder whether their own translations are acceptable for USCIS. They ask whether they can skip searching for a company that offers certified translations for USCIS and perform the translation themselves. Any foreign-language document that is submitted with an immigration application must be accompanied by its certified translation. Certified translations are executed by professionals who are fluent in the source language as well as English.

They are neutral third parties who are committed to translating personal documents accurately. Translators who translate your documents also have to include their certification. The document states that the translation was done by a professional translator and the translation is true and correct to the best of the translator’s knowledge. Translation companies will also include their contact information and official stamp. Even if you are fluent in English you cannot translate your own birth certificate for immigration purposes. It is best to leave the task to an experienced translator who is familiar with the guidelines of immigration. Translations that are not done properly or are incomplete may cause delays in your application process. If you prefer to have a smooth experience with your application, we recommend that you get your personal documents translated by a reputable translation company. Translators who have strong communication skills and have experience translating many documents for immigrants can take your birth certificate.

They will translate the document and attach the translation to their certification. Immigrants in Los Angeles who are interested in having a professional translate their birth certificate and other personal documents can contact a local translation company. CACFTI has simplified matters for immigrants who are seeking certified translation services for USCIS. We have translated birth certificates for many individuals who were born in foreign countries and needed to have their personal documents translated into English for immigration purposes. If you have an immigration matter that requires you to get a document translated from a foreign language into English, please get in touch with us. We are expert in providing certified document translation services. We know the requirements of immigration for foreign-language documents. We have translated many birth certificates into English and are ready to take yours. We offer certified translations for USCIS and support all the major world languages.