Since there are only a few law schools in Canada, a high percentage of applicants are rejected every year. What do such applicants do when they receive a rejection letter but are still interested in pursuing a career in law? Academic document translation services and companies in Los Angeles that offer certified translations help individuals from the French-speaking parts of Canada who have been turned down by law schools back home and want to explore their options abroad. Students who are ready to apply to law schools in the United States can start by reviewing the requirements of admissions to law programs. For instance, some law schools might only take applications for individuals who have earned their degrees from an American university. Nevertheless, many law schools throughout the United States including those in California take applications from foreigners.
While in a country like Canada applicants have a few choices, the United States offers numerous options for Americans and foreigners. Some law schools are more competitive than others. Stanford Law School, for instance, is highly competitive and has a lower acceptance rate. However, many other schools across the country compete for students because they do not get enough applications to fill available spaces. Those law schools are especially interested in hearing from international students because they pay higher tuition and fees. Language barriers do not create complications for applicants who have studied in non-English speaking countries because academic translators can translate transcripts and diplomas into English. Companies that provide document translation service can translate and certify academic documents. Therefore, admissions officers can evaluate international applicants’ academic performance in order to make a decision.
CACFTI offers solutions to international students’ problem of submitting their foreign-language documents to American schools for consideration. Students from Quebec, for example, who cannot attend law school in Canada can take advantage of our French to English translation services to apply to American schools. We can translate academic documents from any of the major world languages into English. If you have completed a degree in Quebec or any other French-speaking territory and are ready to send your application to U.S. schools, we encourage you to contact us regarding our certified translation services. Chances are you will be asked to provide the certified English translations of your academic documents. We are a leading company in LA that offers academic document translation services. Please let us know if we can help you with a part of your application to law schools.