Category Archives: Academic

Our translators who are experts in academic document translations often interpret the meaning of the words they are asked to translate. They examine the texts before translating the words into English.

Legal Document Translation | Certified Translation

Translation of leases, rental agreements, and notices

Clear communication across cultures is very important in the real estate industry. Foreign investors that purchase property in the United States might need their paperwork translated so they can better understand the terms and conditions of the agreements. Likewise, immigrants that rent or buy properties need to understand the local law and the conditions in the contract they sign. With extensive experience in the field of legal document translation, we are equipped with the skills required to translate your leases, rental agreements, and notices from and into English. Whether you are a property management company, a landlord, investor, or real estate lawyer we can help you with your translation needs. Real estate is a very specialized field, and translators who translate documents pertaining to real estate transactions have to be familiar with the industry specific terminology. Our translators can translate documents pertaining to real estate and can effectively translate from the source language to the target language.

Translation of legal documents from Spanish to English

Courts in Spanish speaking countries issue orders, judgments, and notices that can often be used in the United States. For instance, family courts in the United States that need proof of a divorce or child adoption usually accept documents issued by foreign courts. If the document is issued in Spanish, the US court might ask for a certified English translation. Our Spanish to English translators who specialize in legal documents can assist you with the translation of various types of documents including child adoption agreements. Do you have a legal notice, contract, declaration, decree, deed, or power of attorney that needs to be translated from Spanish to English? Get in touch with us! We have translated a lot of documents from Spanish to English for individuals, law offices, and the legal department of various organizations.

Translation of legal documents from English to Spanish

Many Americans who intend to move to Spanish speaking countries need to have their legal documents translated from English to Spanish. Likewise, organizations that intend to expand their operations to Latin America and/or Spain commonly need to have their legal documents translated into Spanish. We can translate your legal documents from English to Spanish. We have vast experience translating many legal documents including business contracts, rental agreements, bills of sale, and memos from English to Spanish. We can also translate patents, judgments, child adoption agreements, and summons from English to Spanish. Please email us your legal documents and let us know that the target language is Spanish so we can provide a quote for that service.

Certified translation of legal documents

Do you need a certified translation for a legal document? Please contact us. We provide certified translations for legal documents and forms. If you intend to use the translation in a court, please mention that when you send us the material. We can translate legal documents from foreign languages into English and vice versa. If the recipient has special requirements, please send us their exact requirements. We have provided legal document translation services to both small and large law firms. We can translate legal text pertaining to various areas of law including real estate, business, intellectual property, and immigration.

Professional translation of legal documents by CACFTI

California Center for Translation & Interpretation offers professional translation services for legal documents. You might need a professional translation for a legal case, employer, immigration application, etc. We have experience providing professional translation for many purposes. Our professional translators who specialize in legal document translation are ready to assist you. If you are applying to a law school in the United States and need to have your documents translated for admissions, please contact us. Please email your legal documents to for a quote. We do our best to translate your legal documents accurately. We have translated a lot of documents for court use and other legal uses. We look forward to assisting you with your legal translation needs too.

Legal Document Translation Los Angeles

Documents pertaining to property ownership and rental often contain terminology that people in general are not familiar with unless they have experience in the field. Translators who possess extensive experience in the translation of documents related to the real estate industry are usually comfortable translating leases, rental agreements, and deeds.

Translation of leases, rental agreements, and deeds

We have translated a lot of documents for real estate agents, property management companies, real estate lawyers, etc. We can translate legal documents pertaining to real estate transactions. We can translate leases and rental agreements for tenants, landlords, and law offices. If you own a property and intend to present your English language rental agreements to a tenant and believe the tenant does not know English well enough to understand it, please get in touch with us. We can translate your leases and agreements into foreign languages. We can also translate deeds and memos from and into English. Our translators who specialize in legal language and have ample experience translating text related to real estate ownership and rentals are ready to assist you.

Translation of prenuptial and postnuptial agreements

Family law firms in the United States usually help their clients with family related matters including prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements. If one of the parties does not speak English, the lawyer might suggest that they get the agreements translated. If the parties end up using the document in court they need to make sure it is accompanied by its certified translation. We have translated many documents including agreements and declarations for law offices. We can translate documents for family related legal matters. Please get in touch with us if you need to have a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement translated. We support many languages including French, Spanish, German, Polish, and Chinese.

Translation of business agreements and contracts

Businesses in the United States that are looking to expand into international markets might need various documents including contracts, invoices, business licenses, and product labels translated into foreign languages. Likewise, organizations that are based in foreign countries and are looking to expand into the United States might need to have some documents translated into English. We can translate documents you need to enter foreign markets. Our translators who have extensive experience in the field of business documents translation are ready to assist you. We can translate bylaws, articles of incorporation, brochures, product descriptions, and other documents you need to build and expand your business operations. Please contact us to learn more about our business document translation services.

Translation of declarations for court use

We can translate declarations by witnesses, defendants, and other parties that need to make a statement for legal cases. We have translated many declarations for law offices that needed to use the translations in a court in the United States. If you work in a law firm and you have witnesses or plaintiffs that have prepared their declaration in a foreign language and you need to have it translated into English to submit in a court in the United States, please get in touch with us.

Translation of academic documents for law schools

Individuals who were educated in foreign countries and intend to apply to law schools in the United States might need to have their academic documents translated into English. We can translate your transcripts, degrees, letters of recommendation, resumes, and standardized exam test scores into English for law school applications. We understand that applying to law schools in the United States can be a stressful process for international applicants. We do our best to make the translation process convenient and quick.

Translation of documents for law offices and legal departments

Many law offices and the legal department of various organizations rely on translation services to carry out their operations. They might need to have evidence and exhibits such as text messages, agreements, medical records, police reports, bank statements, etc. to be translated from foreign languages to English for their case. Law firms can also help their clients prepare documents that they can use in court in case the need arises in the future. Sometimes the documents have to be translated because the parties that review and sign them do not speak English. The legal department of businesses, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and medical facilities often need to have documents translated. We can translate documents for legal divisions of organizations as well as law offices.

Legal translations by CACFTI

California Center for Translation & Interpretation has translated many legal documents from English to foreign languages and vice versa. Our legal translators who possess advanced knowledge of the legal system and terminology are committed to delivering top-quality translations. If you would like to get a quote for the translation of a legal document, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Translation of Documents for Family Law Cases

Family law offices around the country often handle cases pertaining to divorces, child custody, adoption, and spousal support. They sometimes deal with cases that involve foreign parties or foreign language documents. As they are preparing documentation for court appearances or for their internal use they might use the services of professional translators who specialize in legal translations. California Center for Translation & Interpretation has translated many documents for family law cases. We can translate text messages, summons, receipts, non-disclosure agreements, and prenuptial agreements. Please send your material to for a quote.

Official Translation of Divorce Judgments

We can translate divorce judgments and property settlement agreements from English to foreign languages and vice versa. If you have a judgment or agreement in the English language and would like to have it translated into Spanish, please get in touch with us. We have ample experience in the translation of legal documents such as complaints and divorce judgments from English to Spanish. We support many other languages too. We can also translate your divorce judgments from foreign languages to English. Please get in touch with us regarding the translation of your court orders and judgments from foreign languages to English. Please let us know if the English translation is for a court in the United States.

Translating Material for Domestic Violence Cases

Family lawyers often help their clients obtain a restraining order, also known as protection order, against family members and/or former spouses. A lot of domestic violence victims try to get a restraining order against the person who hurt them. If you have a restraining order from another country and need to present it to an English speaker, please get in touch with us. We would love to have the opportunity to assist you with the translation of your restraining orders. We are committed to translating your documents to the best of our ability.

Professional Translation of Marriage and Divorce Certificates

We can translate marriage certificates and divorce decrees from English to foreign languages and from foreign languages from English. If you are planning to submit proof of marriage and/or divorce in a court in the United States and those documents are not in English, please get in touch with us. We have extensive experience translating marriage licenses and divorce certificates into English. We focus on providing high quality translations for various documents including marriage and divorce certificates. Please let us know if you need a notarized translation of your marriage and/or divorce certificates.

Translation of Child & Spousal Support Orders

We can translate child support orders, agreements, and modifications. We can also translate spousal support orders. Many law offices that deal with family matters receive such documents from their clients. If the documents are in English and they want to present them in courts abroad, they probably need to get them translated. Likewise, if the documents were issued in other countries in a foreign language and they intend to submit them to courts in the US they might need to present the documents along with their certified translations. We have ample experience in the translation of documents for family law firms. We can translate your child and spousal support orders.

Translation of Text Messages and Recordings for Family Law Offices

If you intend to present text messages in foreign languages to courts in the United States, you can get in touch with us regarding our certified translation services. We can translate text messages into English for family courts that require certified English translations. We can also translate text messages for family lawyers who need to use the translations for their internal use. If you have a recording in a foreign language that you need to submit to your attorney in the United States who does not speak the foreign language, please get in touch with us.

Translation of Birth Certificates and Adoption Papers

Family lawyers in the United States who work on child adoption cases sometimes need to have documents translated from foreign languages into English. They might need to have the child’s birth certificate translated if the child was born in a non-English speaking country. If you are a family law attorney or you represent a law firm that specializes in family law and you need to have a document translated into English for a child adoption case, please feel free to contact us. We can also translate child adoption agreements.

Translating Academic Documents from Arabic to English

Translation of high school diplomas and transcripts from Arabic to English

A high school diploma is usually a 1-page document that represents one’s completion of the requirements for graduation from high school. Students who have earned a diploma from a high school in an Arabic-speaking country and wish to attend a college or university in the United States often have to submit a certified English translation of their diploma to the admissions office. They might need Arabic translation services for their academic transcripts too. Academic transcripts typically mention the student’s full name, the courses they have taken, their grade, and school year. If you need to have your diploma and/or transcripts translated from Arabic to English, please get in touch with us.

Translation of college and university diplomas and transcripts

Like high schools colleges and universities issue degrees and academic transcripts. Colleges and universities around the world usually include the students’ personal information, the degree they pursued, and official stamps of the institutions. If you attended a college or a university in an Arabic speaking country such as Saudi Arabia or Kuwait and you need to have your documents translated into English for a school in the United States, please get in touch with us. We have extensive experience translating diplomas, school records, and research papers from Arabic to English.

Translation of letters of recommendation from Arabic to English

Educational institutions often require applicants to submit a letter of recommendation from their former instructors, supervisors, or employers. International candidates from non-English speaking countries that have their letters of recommendation in a foreign language are typically required to submit those documents along with their English translations. If you studied and/or worked in an Arabic speaking country and would like to have your letter of recommendation translated for a school in the United States, please contact us. We have translated many documents from Arabic to English and would love to have the opportunity to assist you too.

Certified translation of bank statements from Arabic speaking countries

When schools in the United States review applications from international candidates they also want to know whether the applicants have the financial ability to cover the expenses of their education. International applicants commonly submit bank statements and other documents that serve as proof of their ability to pay for their living expenses while they study in the United States. If you have a bank statement that needs to be translated from Arabic to English for admissions, please get in touch with us. We can translate your bank statements, pay stubs, and other documents that the school has requested. If you need the currencies to be changed to USD, please let us know too.

Official translation of ID cards and passports

Educational institutions in the United States might ask international applicants to submit a copy of their ID card and passport in order to verify their personal information. If your ID is in the Arabic language you will need to render Arabic to English translation services. Please email us your ID card, passport, or any other document that the school has requested to verify your identity. We have translated many ID cards, passports, birth certificates, and other documents from Arabic to English. Please be ready to provide the spellings of names that appear on your personal documents.

Translation of school websites, pamphlets, brochures, etc. for international applicants

Admissions offices in American universities might need their website, pamphlets, brochures, and other material translated into foreign languages for international candidates. Students from the Middle East and North Africa who review the information might feel more comfortable with the Arabic translation. Academic advisors who wish to provide the information in various languages including Arabic can reach out to us. We can translate the content on your website and any other information you would like to provide to Arabic speaking visitors.

How is the translation executed?

Our Arabic translators who are experts in academic document translations often interpret the meaning of the words they are asked to translate. They examine the texts before translating the Arabic words into English. Since this language is written from right to left as opposed to English, which is read from left to right, the translator has to plan how to fit the translated content at the beginning of the translation process. Such factors are essential to the delivery of a translation that is easy to read and understand. Once the translation is ready, we will email you a copy to review. If the American school requires the translation to be forwarded to them directly you can provide their email address. Please email your documents to for a quote.

Certified Translation of Farsi Divorce Documents

California Center for Translation & Interpretation has ample experience in the translation of legal documents including divorce decrees and judgments. We can translate documents for family lawyers, individuals who need their divorce papers translate for their second marriage, and others who need such translations for other purposes. We support many languages including Farsi, Dari, Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, and Hindi. We provide certified translation services for divorce documents and look forward to hearing from you regarding your translation needs. Our legal translators who are familiar with language related to family law and divorce process are can assist you with your translation needs. For quick assistance, you can send your documents to

What Information Does A Farsi Divorce Certificate Contain?

Farsi divorce certificates typically mention the personal information of the party filing for divorce and the party that is being divorced as well as the details of the office that registered the divorce. A divorce decree issued in Iran also might include the conditions of the divorce and the names of the lawyers that represent the parties. The document might also list names of witnesses and references. They commonly carry the signature and official seal of the head of the divorce registration office and the names of the divorce executors. The best translators usually have worked on divorce documents from various provinces such as Tehran, Shiraz, and Isfahan and possess the skills required to translate legal documents from the Persian language into English.

Best Translators for Iranian Divorce Decrees

At California Center for Translation & Interpretation, we focus on delivering the best translations. You can count on us for all of your translation needs whether you have a Farsi divorce decree for USCIS or a court order for your attorney. We can translate marriage and divorce certificates from Farsi to English. Our Farsi translators possess advanced knowledge of Persian and English. They can effectively handle the toughest texts. Translating a divorce decree from Iran requires strong translation skills and knowledge of legal terminology that our translators have. We hope you consider us if you are looking for the best translators for your Farsi-language documents.

A Checklist for USCIS Translations

__Did you check with a professional to make sure you are translating the right documents?

__Did you scan all the pages properly so the text has not been cut off on any of the sides?

__Did you contact a translation services provider that offers certified translations for USCIS?

__Did you provide the proper spelling of all names so the English translation is consistent with your other legal documents?

__Did you get a translation that satisfies the guidelines of USCIS?

Compliance with the Relevant Rules

The translation of foreign language documents can be submitted to various organizations including courts, USCIS, universities, and hospitals. Please let us know if you are planning to present the translation in a court so that we certify the translation for court use. It is very important to translate foreign language documents in accordance with the requirements of the recipient. Failure to comply with the rules can result in the rejection of your translation. We have translated many documents for lawyers and other parties that have used our translations for various purposes. We will be pleased to have the opportunity to help you too. Please be prepared to provide the spellings of names and dates so we can make sure in the translation they match your other legal documents.

Translating Divorce Documents and Birth Certificates for US Immigration

You can rely on our professional Farsi translators for the translation of your divorce and birth certificates for US immigration matters. Our Farsi to English specialists has translated many official documents for visa applications. We can also translate academic and medical documents. If you need to translate your diplomas and vaccination records too, please feel free to contact us. Please be sure to mention that you will be using the translation for USCIS.

How to Get Your Certified Translation at CACFTI

You can get a certified translation for your Farsi documents by scanning and emailing a copy of the documents to If you do not have access to a scanner you can take a picture with your phone and then email them to us. Please make sure the pictures are clear and all the text is legible. We do not need the original copy to provide the translation. A photocopy of your Persian-language documents is sufficient. We have translated many documents including Iranian divorce decrees, birth certificates, and marriage licenses for USCIS. We will be happy to assist you too! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you any questions regarding our legal translation services for Farsi. We can also translate your English language documents into Farsi. If you are planning to provide the Farsi translation of an English document to a Farsi speaker please get in touch with us.