Many Iranians who have moved to California have settled in Los Angeles or Orange County. Those who are working on an immigration application and hold an Iranian birth certificate in the Farsi language might be wondering how they can get a certified English translation in LA. The vital records office in Iran has issued different versions of the birth certificate over time. Prior to the Islamic Revolution of 1979 birth certificates in Iran carried to emblem of the Imperial State of Iran. Documents that were printed after the revolution depict a different emblem. The stamps are different too. More recently the government has required citizens to obtain a national ID card. The birth certificates that have been prepared within the past year or so are slightly different. Some lines that were on the last page of the older version have moved to the first page of the most updated version.
CACFTI has vast experience and extensive experience in the translation of birth certificates from Persian to English. We have translated all three types of birth certificates that we described above. Our certified translations comply with the guidelines of USCIS so anyone who is completing a visa application and needs to submit a foreign-language document can contact us. Translating a birth certificate in Los Angeles is easy when you get in touch with us. We enjoy translating documents for foreigners. If you are from a non-English speaking country and you are looking for Farsi translation services or translation service for other languages, please reach out to us. We can translate Iranian documents as well as other documents in many other languages. We are a reliable entity committed to delivering high-quality translations for various languages.
We are confident that you will be happy with our Persian to English translations. Do not forget to mention the purpose of the translations so that we attach the right certification. Our translators who have handled the translation of many types of documents from Farsi to English are ready to assist immigrants from Iran. One common question that we get regarding the translation of documents for USCIS is whether we need the originals. For immigration purposes all we need is a photocopy of the birth certificate. If you have a Farsi-language birth certificate and you are looking for a certified English translation, please scan and email us the document. We are a company based in Los Angeles serving individuals and organizations with translation needs.