Monthly Archives: February 2023

Spanish Translation Services: Medical Documents

Medical device manufacturers that produce products for global markets often provide manuals in multiple languages. When consumers in an English speaking country try to use a medical device or equipment they might refer to the English language manual or guide that comes with it. Likewise, consumers in Spanish speaking countries might need to review the medical device manual in their native language to safely use the products.

Translation of medical device manuals

Our translators who specialize in the translation of medical device manuals are ready to assist you with the translation of your user guides and manuals. With extensive experience in the field of medical translation, we are equipped with the knowledge and skill required to deliver high quality translations for your manuals. Our Spanish translators can translate your medical device manuals for the Spanish speaking markets.

Translation of medical reports, lab results, and patient consent forms

We can translate medical documents such as reports, lab results, and patient consent forms from English to Spanish and vice versa. Our translators who possess advanced knowledge of medical terminology can assist you with the translation of your medical records and documents. We can translate your medical documents so that you can communicate clearly with your Spanish speaking audience. If you work for a medical facility, doctor’s office, or hospital and you need to have a patient consent form translated, please get in touch with us. We can also translate documents for medical tourists. If you intend to travel to a Spanish speaking country to receive medical care and you have been asked to present your medical records plus their Spanish translations, please get in touch with us.

Translation of medical bills for court

We can translate medical bills and records for court use. Please get in touch with us if you need to have a medical bill or statement to be translated from or into Spanish. Our translators who have extensive experience in the translation of similar documents would love to have the opportunity to assist you. If you intend to submit the translation to a court, please inform us when you send us the material. We can also translate your bills and invoices for insurance and other purposes. Please email your documents to for a quote.

Translation of vaccination records

We can translate vaccination or immunization records from Spanish to English for various purposes. If you need such documents to be translated for USCIS, an employer, or a university please get in touch with us. We can also translate vaccination certificates from English to Spanish. If you are traveling or moving abroad and you need to get an immunization record to be translated from English to Spanish, please get in touch with us. You might need a certified translation of your vaccination records to enroll in an educational institution in a Spanish speaking country or you might need it to apply for jobs.

Translation of medical degrees and transcripts

California Center for Translation & Interpretation can translate medical certificates and transcripts issued by medical schools from Spanish to English. If you obtained a degree from a school of medicine in a Spanish speaking country and need to have your documents translated into English, please get in touch with us. We can also translate your medical degrees and school records from English to Spanish. If you have studied medicine in the United States and intend to move to a Spanish speaking country and need to have the Spanish translation of your documents, please contact us. We can also translate your diplomas, awards, letters of recommendation, transcripts from and into Spanish.

Translation of letters from doctors, drug labels, and medical questionnaires

If you need a translation of a letter from a doctor for the passport application process, please contact us. We have translated many doctors’ notes and letters from Spanish to English for passport application purposes. We can also translate drug labels and prescriptions from and into Spanish. If you work in a medical office and you need to your questionnaires to be translated for your Spanish speaking patients, please get in touch with us. We can translate such documents for plastic surgeons, dental offices, research institutions, and other healthcare facilities.